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Our Story

Raymond and Towonda at the Beach

Raymond and Towonda, commonly referred to as TowRay (notice who gets top billing), are a beautiful couple known for their delightful love of friends, family, food, and festivities. Towonda is a free spirit, whimsical, inspirational, lovable, and has never met a stranger. Raymond is dependable, silly, witty, intelligent, and direct. 

They met through an online dating service on August 25th, 2012. Raymond was moving across town from Gwinnett to Sandy Springs and decided to check out the dating pool in Sandy Springs using the dating service. Meanwhile, Towonda’s daughter Brooke had convinced Towonda to create a trial profile on the dating service.

Raymond came across Towonda’s profile but was browsing, so he moved on. Towonda opened the service the next day to see that all the men that had viewed her profile “winked” at her, indicating their interest. Everyone except Raymond.

Well, once Towonda noticed this, she ignored all of the others and sent a message to Raymond: Hello, I noticed you viewed my profile and didn’t email or wink, which is fine… I wanted to read your profile after seeing your headline: Can charisma be projected through a profile. The answer is yes… too bad you don’t speak…who knows what could have been. Towonda. Bless wishes.

The next day, Sunday August26th, Raymond noticed the message and Responded: In fact, I do speak. But if you heard my deep, rich voice, you would fall hopelessly, deeply in love with me. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for that.”

To which Towonda responded: You are charming … Ok wow, call me let us talk and hear the roar of the man you are… Towonda (she included her phone number)

Raymond called Towonda that same Sunday. They chatted for some time and decided to meet for dinner. Obviously, dinner was a success.

Raymond and Towonda are famous for their dinner parties with Raymond’s food and Towonda’s décor. They produced a TV Sitcom Pilot ( is still being shopped. Raymond has produced Towonda’s Musical Comedy Cheezecake Boiz and the Diva. They work on various entertainment projects together. 

Raymond Proposed to Towonda on her birthday, Sunday March 28th, 2021 during brunch with Hayden, Brooke and Jarred.

TowRay © 2021